#CleanWater #UnitedNations #WaterScarcity

The Power of Water

There’s nothing more essential to life on earth than water. If you’re among the 9 out of 10 people on the planet, who have clean water around the clock, and a few steps away from you, in your bathroom or kitchen, consider yourself lucky. Hundreds of millions of people are not so fortunate, and their families pay the price daily.

There’s nothing more essential to life on earth than water. Water covers 70% of our planet, and it is easy to think that there will always be plenty of it. Yet, fresh water—to drink, cook, bathe in, irrigate our farm fields with—is incredibly rare: only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is found in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use. As a result, over two billion people live in countries where water supply is inadequate and far too many people are dying of entirely preventable diseases because they lack access to safe water.

771 million people lack access to safe, clean, water. That’s 1 in 10 people on the planet. 4 billion experience water scarcity for at least one month each year. Inadequate sanitation is also a problem. 1.7 billion people – 1 in 4 – lack access to a toilet. And things aren’t getting better. On the contrary, water scarcity is getting worse due to the catastrophic effects of climate change, as well as the bad management of it.

Since 1993, the United Nations recognizes the importance of addressing the global water crisis on World Water Day, which falls on March 22, each year. Since then, progress has been made in making clean water accessible — the number of people who lack access to clean water decreased from 1.1 billion in 2000 to 771 million in 2020….READ MORE

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