#Antibiotics #bacteria

An Even Tougher Fight

About 3.7 billion years ago, when the earth was uninhabited and devoid of oxygen, there they were. They were there to lay the biochemical foundations of life, tirelessly adapting to the extreme conditions of a planet that had no interest in their survival. Bacteria have always stood out, they have fought with the world around them, and despite the hostile environment, they went beyond simple survival, and created another life. They have produced the oxygen in the atmosphere, making the planet and the life it hosts as it is today.

Human beings, as well as almost all living organisms, are strictly dependent on bacteria and their constant work and, in some way, it can be said that it is all thanks to them, thanks to their adaptive plasticity but, above all, thanks to their ability of having, for billions of years, both protected and passed on their DNA, thus allowing this molecule to express its full biological potential. In short, terrestrial life started through them, continued with them and is, today, dependent on them, so as to guarantee the correct functioning of a planet that is in fact their planet. However, although bacteria as a whole are noble life forms, not all members of this kingdom work for the common good, or at least not from a human point of view. In fact, some of them are opportunistic species that see man as a source of food, nourishment for their own growth and for their own propagation in the environment, sometimes having the best over the human immune system.

And today, nearly a century after the discovery of penicillin, this problem has not been solved.

For sure, antibiotics have saved millions of lives and represent one of the greatest advances that medical science has ever made but bacteria, as already mentioned, have an adaptability that is out of control of science and, above all, out of control of man. For this reason, even the most effective and specific antibiotics are short-lived…READ MORE

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An Even Tougher Fight Infomedix International

About 3.7 billion years ago, when the earth was uninhabited and devoid of oxygen, there they were. They were there to lay the biochemical foundations of life, tirelessly...

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